Psychotria viridis

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A short perennial shrub known primarily for its use as a source of DMT ayahuasca mixtures.



media germination temperature °C note reference

As mentioned earlier, propagation by seed is highly unlikely due to the 1% germination rate (Plant Encyclopedia 2011). A few online forums from growers that have had successful seed germination encourage soaking the seeds in mild bleach solution (30 ml. bleach in 236 ml. of water) for 15 minutes, this keeps the seeds from molding, then rinse and let seeds soak for 12 hours in water. Afterwards, the seeds should then be planted 8 mm deep into potting soil, placed into a Ziploc bag or a humidity tray, kept at 22-28 °C, out of direct sunlight, and germination can be expected in 6­-16 weeks ​(Erowid Psychotria Vault 2015)​​ (p. 15)[1]


Adventitious roots in P. viridis leaf tissues were also recorded by Salgado, Furlan, Aoyama, Rodrigues, and Cruz (2012). This characteristic points to an alternative reproductive strategy of this species, providing vegetative propagation from the leaves when they detach and reach the ground, which could be very important when pollination and dispersion vectors are absent or reduced. (p. 9)[2]

Treatments C, D and E, which had the injured part immersed in water outlined, shown a higher percentage of rooting in relation to treatments A and B, related to cuttings that did not undergo cuts in the ribs (Treatment A) or who had the upper part removed (Treatment B).[3]

Rooting of chacrona leaf cuttings can be obtained, especially when cuts are made in the ribs of the sheet and these kept in permanent contact with moisture.[3]

…leaf cuttings with cuts on the primary vein of the leaf cuttings: 100.0% rooting;[3]

Regarding the development of leaf cuttings in the substrate, it was verified, after 120 days of transplantation, 100% of rooting and sprouting in the aerial part (Figure 3)[3]


basal media supplements source target note reference


Planting density (m-2) inter-row space (cm) intra-row space (cm) note reference

The reduced number of stomata per mm2 in the population of the drier site could be understood as an adaptive anatomical adjustment in response to seasonal hydric stress in which these plants are submitted. (p. 9)[2]



product source yield per season (kg/ha) note reference
product source yield per plant note reference


However, samples of P. viridis from the Arco-íris site had the greatest average value of DMT (44.66 mg g-1) (Table 1). This site was the only one where P. viridis was cultured under environmentally controlled conditions in greenhouses. (p. 1250)[4]


soil type pH C-content % precipitation temperature (°C) altitude (m) note reference

Although being from an original environment of tropical forest characterized by hot, humid, and predominantly low altitudes, P. viridis is currently grown in semi-arid climates that have prolonged dry periods that can last for years and in mountainous regions with altitudes of approximately 1000 m and lower temperatures than those found in the Amazon region. These differences may interfere with the concentration of secondary metabolites. (p. 1246)[4]

It is likely that this thermal stability in the Amazon region is the main factor that minimizes variations in the concentration of DMT. (p. 1251)[4]

A positive association was found between latitude and DMT content in the leaves of P. viridis. It was observed that DMT declined with movement away from the equator, towards the south. All estimative were positive and statistically significant. For DMT variation, approximately 28.4% was explained by latitude. (p. 1251)[4]

In winter, a period characterized by low incidence of rainfall (collection 2, July), it was observed that DMT production increased with increases in the rainfall index. In summer, a season characterized by high rainfall, the effect was negative; that is, the increase in the rainfall index induced P. viridis to decrease its DMT production (collection 4, January) (Table 1, Table S2). This reduction in the DMT content can be explained by the dilution of DMT in the tissues of the plant (growth of new plant tissues). (p. 1251)[4]

Nonetheless, it was possible to estimate a value of approximately 14.1% contribution of the rainfall index to the variation in DMT concentration. (p. 1251)[4]

Acidity correction and its interactions with sites and seasons accounted for 11.25% of the DMT variation (sums of squares) associated with sites, seasons and the interaction among these factors, according to the coefficient of determination previously defined. (p. 1252)[4]

The effect of irrigation on DMT levels was not statistically significant. (p. 1252)[4]

A positive association between the content of N and Mg with DMT concentration was revealed with statistical analyses. (p. 1253)[4]

Statistical analysis revealed a negative association for the levels of P (autumn and spring), S (spring and summer), Mn (autumn and winter), and Cu (winter) and DMT concentration (Table S3, SI section). No clear trend could be observed for the elements Ca, Zn, and B. (p. 1253)[4]

In relation to altitude, latitude, and biome criteria, the variation of DMT reached 31.3, 28.4 and 17.3%, respectively. (p. 1254)[4]


type rate time note reference



fixture type photoperiod illumination note reference




character measurement unit notes reference







compound source concentration (mg/g dry weight) note reference

Infraspecific Variation





trait improvement status reference


variety description reference



type note reference

History & Society

Work Log

12 Sep 2021

Project Created!


  1. Kuderko, Jack, Ayahuasca: Propagating a Plant Teacher to Heal the World (A Guideline for Future Greenhouse Production of Psychotria Viridis), 2015. url:
    The purpose of this paper is to give a brief history of Ayahuasca and P. viridis Ruiz et. Pavon, present the currently known production methods, and provide insight into the future of P. viridis production. Since P.viridis has not been heavily researched, this may serve as an overview of future production. I hope this may be a helpful learning tool for anyone intrigued by the great mystery of Ayahuasca and anyone interested in legally producing Psychotria viridis in the future.
  2. de Miranda, Ordilena Ferreira and De Souza, Saulo Eduardo Xavier Franco and Milan, Rodrigo José and Bueno, Aline Borges and de Almeida, Marcilio, Influence of Environment on the Leaf Morpho-Anatomy and Histochemical of the Ayahuasca Leaf: Populations Cultivated in Extra-Amazonian Regions, Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, vol. 42, pp. e50369, April 2020. doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v42i1.50369.
    Psychotria viridis Ruiz \& Pav. (Rubiaceae) occurs naturally throughout the Amazon and it is traditionally used by indigenous communities, being incorporated into religious use in urban contexts over the last few decades. It is known and cultivated in many regions of South America for possessing valuable bioactive alkaloids. In this paper, we described P. viridis leaf morphology, anatomy and histochemistry from three populations cultivated in the southeastern Brazil, in order to identify possible adaptations to local environment and management. All plants presented terminal stipules and basic morpho-anatomical patterns of leaves, consistent with most species of the genus, as heterogeneous dorsiventral mesophyll, uniseriate epidermis, presents large cells with prominent vacuoles and druses. Unicellular non-glandular trichomes and multicellular starry trichomes were present in the primary and secondary veins. Amphi-hypostomatic leaf pattern, not yet described for the species, was common in all studied plants. Variation in the presence of domatia in the same population indicates that this structure cannot be used for taxonomic determination of P. viridis, as already described for other species of the genus. Presence of secretory ducts and reduction in stomata density and leaf area represent the main morpho-anatomic adaptations of plants from drier and warmer climates. Histochemical tests were positive for alkaloids, polysaccharides, proteins and phenolic compounds, being negative for starch only in plants subjected to water stress. We concluded that the morpho-anatomical and histochemical alterations found in the plants of this study resulted from seasonal water deficit adaptations and to maintain or attract mutualistic organisms.
  3. M.p.g, Salgado and M.r, Furlan and E.m, Aoyama and E, Rodrigues and L.p, Cruz, Asexual Propagation Of Psychotria Viridis (ruiz \& Pavon) Via Leaf Cutting [propagação Assexuada De Chacrona (psychotria Viridis Ruiz \& Pavon) Via Estaquia Foliar], Scopus, 2012. url:
    This study aimed to assess the asexual propagation of Psychotria viridis by leaf cuttings. The treatments were: A - Whole leaf cuttings, B - leaf cuttings with the top third cut off; C - with the lower third of the cuttings removed; D - with cuts on the primary vein of leaf cuttings, and E - poles with cuts on the leaf's secondary veins. The cuttings were immersed in distilled water for a period of 70 days. In all the treatments, the rooting was observed to occur in the region of the cut, or the place where the incision in the vein was. Current assay shows the feasibilities of Psychotria viridis leaf stalks and concludes that cuttings at the nerve ends highlight rooting in so far as the leaf stalks remain in permanent contact with the plant.
  4. Cavalcante, André D. and Cardoso, Gabriele A. and de Oliveira, Fernando L. P. and Bearzoti, Eduardo and Okuma, Adriana A. and Duarte, Lucienir P. and {Vieira-Filho}, Sidney A., Influence of Environmental Factors and Cultural Methods on the Content of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine in Psychotria Viridis (Rubiaceae), Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, vol. 29, pp. 1245--1255, June 2018. doi: 10.21577/0103-5053.20170221.
    Psychotria viridis is one of the species that produces N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Its decoction together with other species, such as Banisteriopsis caapi, produces ayahuasca, a beverage used for ritualistic and medicinal purposes. The goal of this study was to understand how environmental factors and cultivation methods influenced the content of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in P. viridis. Over all four seasons, leaf samples were collected from 25 different locations in 14 Brazilian states, and Federal District. Environmental parameters, micro and macronutrients, plant characteristics, information on farming methods were correlated with N,N-dimethyltryptamine content, determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Greatest effects on the N,N-dimethyltryptamine amount were associated with seasonality, altitude, latitude and biome type. A positive correlation between N and Mg content and N,N-dimethyltryptamine levels was statistically established. By regression analysis, the adequate foliar nutrient levels that would result in the concentration of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in cultivated plants similar to that of Amazonian P. viridis were equated.