Lagochilus inebrians

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An rare, probably endangered, near-mythical plant with a name that evokes psychoactive properties.

Very few reliable, primary sources of information are available for this elusive plant. Much of the information on Lagochilus inebrians is written in non-English journals, which are haphazardly indexed on the main English scholarly search engines. The rest of the information is scattered on various forum posts and personal websites.

Though the plant entered the amateur cultivation market circa 2005[1][2], it remains rare today.[3][4] Every social media post on it is immediately followed by scores of comments asking to buy seeds.[1][5][6]

As with many Lagochilus spp., inebrians is likely endangered or at least vulnerable due to overharvesting, climate change effects, and scant conservation efforts.[7] The plant is not on the IUCN Red List though it is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan.[8]




media germination temperature °C note reference

Cold stratification and GA3 pretreatment are the main recommendations by the amateur community with inconsistent results on both.[1][9][10]

A report showed the beneficial effects of GA3 pretreatment on seed germination. Soaking seeds in GA3 at a concentration of 35 ppm (10-4 M) and 3.5 ppm (10-5 M) increases germination from 30% to 45%-60% (respectively) compared to control with no treatment. Similar increases in root and shoot length were reported with GA3 treatment. Lower concentrations (10-6 to 10-8) were intermediate but still more effective than controls.[11]

However, this might only be an artifact of soaking seeds prior to sowing or from some other unstated factor. No information was given on the control group’s pretreatment. The GA3 solutions showed no dose-dependent effect on germination. Some minor variations in root and shoot length appeared to form an inverted U shape centered around 3.5 ppm, but the trend is unlikely to be significant. The number of seeds per treatment was likewise not given. No statistical analysis was presented. No indication of soaking time or germination conditions beyond, “Room temperature and light were given the same.” was given. Altogether, it seems that the benefit of GA3 pretreatment is unsubstantiated.[11]

Seeds sown at a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm in soil:sand:manure 2:1:1 (w/w) germinated in 7-12 days at a rate of 20-60%.[11] [^note1]



basal media supplements source target note reference
MS 2,4 D; IBA; IAA; BAP nodal shoots multiplication   [12]

The incomplete reporting of protocols continues with in-vitro cultivation.[13]

An earlier paper by the same research group reports on the source of the explants:

For introduction into culture in vitro, explants of vegetative shoots with an apical bud and generative shoots with inflorescences were used.[14]

Seeds of L. proskorjakovii were successfully sterilized using 0.1% AgNO3 for 15 minutes followed by 70% ethanol for 1 minute with high viability. Other protocols that used sodium hypochlorite, sulfuric acid, or mercury-based treatments were less effective or reduced viability (no data was given). The seeds were stratified below 0°C for 40 days prior to culturing.[15]

Replication of inebrians is difficult. It is possible to induce multiplication through callus formation with BAP, though the success rate (58% survival; 26% multiplied) and multiplication factor (3-5 shoots) is low.[12]

[16] [12] [13] [15]


Cultivation is fraught with difficulty. Mature inebrians plants have reportedly “succumbed to humidity”.

Planting density (m-2) inter-row space (cm) intra-row space (cm) note reference



[17] [18] [19] [20]

In a study of various solvents, lagochilin was isolated in high purity (determined from m.p.) by extraction in boiling dichloroethane with wetting by a 15% sodium hydroxide solution. Cooling the solvent to 20-25°C yielded 2.3% (dry weight) of yellow crystals. Chloroform without sodium hydroxide could also be used but gives a lower yield. Anhydrous and diluted isopropanol and ethanol extracted a large amount of contaminating material and were deemed “difficult” methods of extraction. Previous extraction methods yielded ~1% lagochilin.[21]


product source yield per season (kg/ha) note reference
product source yield per plant note reference



soil type pH C-content % precipitation temperature (°C) altitude (m) note reference


type rate time note reference



fixture type photoperiod illumination note reference


Inebrians is susceptible to spider mites.[22]


Inebrians is endemic to the Pamir Alay region of Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, and Uzbekistan.[23]

A population of inebrians was located in Shavona village, Gubdintau of Naratau ridge (40°51’19.2” N, 66°18’11.2”E) at an elevation of 700-750 m. The soil is grey-brown to brown, sandy, and fine-grained gravelly. The Mean Annual Precipitation of the region is 100-200 mm/yr, though it is reported to be at the high end (201-206 mm/yr). The Mean Annual Temperature is 13.3-14.6 °C with considerable daily variations. December and January temperatures can reach -31°C. July temperatures can reach 48°C. The area also has high velocity, near-constant winds.[23]

[24] [23] [25]


character measurement unit notes reference
height 20-60 cm wild [23]

L. stem divaricate-branched densely bristly-hairy, with pubescent leaves at the base wedged broadly ovate-orbicular coarsely lobed-toothed; with obtuse sharp or dull teeth, unarmed axils of the leaves of the stems, erect bracts finally with spiny pubescent pads, calyx half shorter than the tube, calyx densely pubescent with an enlarged infundibuliform rim, broad ovate prickly-mucronate lacini subequalizing the third part of the tube, the upper lip of the corolla briefly bifid, the lower lip equaling the longer filaments, with broadly horizontally truncated egg-shaped nuts.[machine translated from original latin][26]

[8] [25]




Leaves are divided not lobed as with other Lagochilus sp.[23]


Flowers are white-pink presenting June to August.[23]




compound source concentration (mg/g dry weight) note citation
lagochilin wild plants 18.3   [28]
lagochilin cultivated plants 21.5   [28]
lagochilin wild plants 23 comparison of extraction method [21]
lagochilin L. setulosys; wild 11   [21]
lagochilin L. gypsaceus; wild 21   [21]

The content of lagochilin in cultivated plants is 17-20% higher than in wild material (2.15% vs. 1.83%). No accounting of the amount of material used or any statistical methods was given.[28] An earlier paper by the same author shows wild inebrians from the Samarkand province producing 2.1% lagochilin.[21]

Lagochilin isolated from Lagochilus spp. (crystallized with acetone) has a melting point of 167-169°C.[21][28] Chizhov et al. reported a melting point of 157-158°C.[29]

Lagochilin can be recrystallized from aqueous solution[30] or from acetone[21][28][31].

Lagochilin is soluble in pyridine.[32]

Lagochilin is not detected in L. cabulicus.[33]

Lagochilin 3-monoacetate is present in inebrians.[34]

Lagochilin has a monohydrate form that is completely insoluble in water. The anhydrous can be liberated [31]

[17] [35] [36] [18] [19] [20] [24] [8] [31] [37] [36] [38] [39] [40] [27] [41] [33] [42] [32] [43] [30] [34] [31]

Infraspecific Variation






variety description reference

Early amateur sources of inebrians cultivation material was later identified as L. cabulicus. A large distributor of seeds (identified as Shaman’s Garden) was selling seeds that looked significantly different from other confirmed inebrians seeds.[44]




type note reference

History & Society

[19] [23] [45] [32] [46] [47]

Lagochilin isolated from inebrians is the primary ingredient in the drug “inebrin.”[32]

Recent micropropagation efforts in Uzbekistan appear to be a promising conservation technique.[13]

Shaman Australis forum users Torsten and Darklight have contributed significantly to the amateur community’s cultivation knowledge of inebrians.

Seed specimens of inebrians were collected in 2014 by Yuldasheva et al. in Bukhara Oblast of Uzbekistan.[27]

Inebrians roots and shoots are used as a styptic in traditional Uzbekistan medicine. Roots are powdered and applied externally. Shoots are made into a decoction and consumed.[48] A 2005 review of medicinal plants used for skin conditions listed inebrians as a galenical preparation of the leaves and stems. Several compendium works from Russia were referenced.[45]

In the 1979 book, “Narcotic Plants,” inebrians is listed as a “Tranquilizer (hallucinogen?).”[49] This could be one of the original widely distributed sources that suggested inebrians is more than just a sedative. Unfortunately, no corroborating primary sources were referenced in the text.

Inebrians is sold as dry shoots[50][51] or as an extracted shoot resin[52].

Work Log

23 Aug 2023

13 Jul 2023

The seedling is about 16 cm tall right now.

05 Jul 2023

The seedling is doing excellent.

The stem has grown exceedingly hairy lately:

14 Jun 2023

The seedling’s roots have reached the outside of the cup and started to circle. It is time for a new container.

The seedling has a hairy root ball at the surface with one tap root that is longer than the shoot.

Transplanted to 1:1 coir:perlite in a 10cm homemade fabric pot.

15 Apr 2023

Seedling is growing fast under the dome.

22 Mar 2023

Sent three emails to various researchers asking about how to obtain germplasm.

Research groups:

authors year
A.Kh.Islamov, I.R.Askarov, D.Sh.Tojiboeva 2022
Sultanova K, Kushiev K. H., Kadyrov B. E. 2022
A.Kh.Islamov, A.S.Turaev, I.R.Askarov M.M.Mominjonov, D.Sh.Tojiboeva 2022
Akmal Xushvaqovich Islomov, Ibrohimjon Rahmonovich Asqarov, Abbasxan Sabirxanovich Turayev, Mirjalol Muqimjon o’g’li Mo’minjonov 2022
Sultonova K. Kushiev H. H. 2022
D.B Muhammadjonova, F.A Sobirova, M.S Toshmuhammedov, A.D Matchanov 2022
Sultonova K., Kushiev Kh. 2022
D. Sh. Tojiboyeva, A. Dj. Kurbanova, A. X. Islomov 2022
Buston Islamov, Murtoza Hasanov, Gulbonu Turakulova, Akbar Akhmedov 2022
Arystanbek Eshibaev1, Zhanar Aimenova2,*, Lyazzat Akynova3, Lyazzat Nurseitova3, Aizhan Kopabaeva3 2021
Nilufar Z. Mamadalieva, Davlat Kh. Akramov, Ludger A. Wessjohann, Hidayat Hussain, Chunlin Long, Komiljon Sh. Tojibaev, Elham Alshammari, Mohamed L. Ashour, and Michael Wink 2021
F.A. Sobirova, A.Kh. Islamov, F.N. Tashpulatov, U.N. Zainutdinov, A.D. Matchanov 2021
А. Х. Islomov, D. A. Mustafaeva, N. S. Zulfanova 2021
Matchanov A.D., Sultonova K., Islamov A.Kh., Khodzhaeva N.D., Kushiev Kh.Kh. 2021

Need to find this:

Langar of Akmal Ikramov collective farm of Xatirchi district

18 Mar 2023

The seedling have gotten too tall for the regular lid, so I poked a dozen holed in an upside down cup to make a dome.

03 Mar 2023

The first seedling is ready for transplant.

Transferred to a 5oz cup with 3oz of peat:perlite potting mix (PPPM3). Illumination is 60-70 umol/m2/s (Photone app) 16-hr photoperiod.

Moved stratified seeds to grow tent.

28 Feb 2023

A seed has sprouted!!!

This one is from the partially scarified seeds from the untreated group.

03 Feb 2023

Again. Nothing. I will start stratification on the remaining four seeds. I am not convinced it will do anything, but it is worth a try.

Sowed the remaining four seeds between two layers of filter paper in a 90mm petri dish wrapped with two layers of plastic wrap. Set it in the refrigerator for 1 month.

The next step will be treatment with GA3.

Another Redditor who obtained seeds from the same source used:

3 weeks in fridge plus 500 ppm GA3 on 9:1 akadama:worm casting, seedling heat mat set to max 81°f? And in a glass petridish. They slowly dry out. Microwave sterile substrate and bathe the seeds in some h202 before sewing.

Damp soil fridge for 3 weeks 500ppm ga3 overnight soak

Twisted thistle has not responded to my message.

25 Jan 2023

So far nothing has happened with the seeds. The two fuzzy seeds have been successfully decontaminated. I decided to partially scarify two of the seeds (one from the fuzzy group, one not) by scraping away at them with a scalpel.

12 Jan 2023

Two out of four seeds have started growing fuzzy with some kind of contamination. Transferred all seeds to a new dish with new filter paper. Dipped contaminated seeds with isopropyl alcohol 70% for ~30 seconds then rinsed before placing them in the new dish.

06 Jan 2023

Close up pics of seeds:

Placed 4 seeds without pretreatment on filter paper in a 90mm petri dish. Wrapped dish in plastic film. Placed in grow tent on the bottom shelf (68-72F; 2-3 ppfd; 16-hr illumination).

05 Jan 2023

The source of my new seeds said this about the source of the original plant material:

…acquired in 2020 from Twisted Thistle Apothecary. They had a bag of herb material that included seeds and I germinated one seed from the batch.

Twisted Thistle Apothecary seems like a bulk purchaser and repackager of medicinal plants, not a grower. So it seems likely that the material was wild-harvested.

They do not have an email contact on the website. I have messaged them on Insta in an attempt to trace the source material further.

03 Jan 2023

Received 8 seeds from a Redditor harvested from their plants.

Tracing the **source of **USA-grown inebrians**

Shamans Garden claimed to be selling inebrians in 2013.

User planthelper calls Shaman’s Garden product a falsely identified related species.

Similarly, users Darklight and Torsten on that same thread claim to grow the only inebrians in the US in 2013.

The seeds darklight and myself grew came from Carl who was given them by Drs Ikramov who do all the taxonomic and ethnobotanic work on L.inebrians in Uzbekistan. The seeds everyone else [rev, Darren, others overseas] grew I think came from Dr Minas and were later found to be a different species [C.cabulicus]. While I have not kept up with all the Lago dramas the last few years, at least for the first few years the only people who had actually grown L inebrians were darklight and myself. -Torsten

probably meant L. cabulicus

Sadly the viability went from 50% at over 5 years to zero within 2 years. Drs Ikramov suggested to carl that moisture would be a big problem for this seed, so I presume the local humidity killed them quickly. -Torsten

This would mean that the instructions given on this page by user rev are actually L. cabulicus.

A comment made by the user _mindperformer_ showed some of the mistaken identifications.


Crushing the leaves of inebrians is a useful method of identification.

(the real lago is highly aromatic). -planthelper

Another user Stonehenge also reports on the aroma:

I have a bag of lago herb now. It has a spicy smell.

In that same post, they report on stratification:

I have had no luck with the stratification bit. I’d say just sow them right away.

A post on the Shroomery forum from user Stonehenge shows a seedling in 2005.

World seed supply reportedly had some inebrians seeds for sale “ages” before 2016.

User wickedsick of the Shroomery forum reported 1/10 germination without stratification.

i did a test run on ten seeds; using the sandwich bag with a towel, in the cupboard over top of the fridge. only one germinated…. so i put the other 30 with some sand in the fridge.

User Darklight reports having plants in tissue culture in 2005 but they had issues.

The updated report says seed coat removal and placement in TC maintains 6/17 germination after 10+ years. Only one germination with seed coat intact (no batch size given). However, the seeds did not survive.

Seeds were stored in the refrigerator.

User Rev did not have the plant in Aug 2004.

But appears to have them by Jul 2005.

Darklight reports trouble with in vitro soilless cultivation in 2013.

But posts images of inebrians germination in TC in 2005.

Since the maximum temperature of Uzbekistan (the native habitat of inebrians) is less than 30°C, I think germinating the seeds in my germ chamber at 30°C isn’t a good idea.

While storing your seeds should always be doen dry, in this case the fridge storage period should probably be used to cold stratify them. In that case they should indeed be kept moist for about 3 months in the fridge. Damp sterile sand is quite suitable.

User Torsten appears to use pure coarse sand as a germination media.

To be honest, I still doubt that anyone else has grown the real thing, but i can virtually guarantee that at the time [around 2004-2006] no one had inebrians. There are some very distinct morphological differences between inebrians and the plants [planthelper] are growing at the moment, so my guess is you still don’t have inebrians. Torsten


  1. {Stonehenge}, Lagochilus Germination and Cultivation, The Corroboree, January 2005. url:
  2. {Darklight}, Lagochilus Inebrians Aseptic Seed Germination, The Corroboree, April 2005. url:
  3. {JesseCruz}, Lagochilius Inebrians, The Shroomery Message Board, February 16. url:
  4. {tlrcll}, More Lagochilus Inebrians Photos, r/druggardening, August 2022. url:
  5. {SMUCKA}, Lagochilus Inebrians (Intoxicating Mint) in Flower??, The Shroomery Message Board, February 11. url:
  6. {tlrcll}, Lagochilus Inebrians Sprout 😇✨🌱, r/druggardening, October 2022. url:
  7. Islamov, Buston and Hasanov, Murtoza and Turakulova, Gulbonu and Akhmedov, Akbar, Estimate of the Current Condition of Populations of the Lagochilus Olgae R.KAM. (Lamiaceae Lindl.) in Uzbekistan, American Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 307--315, March 2022. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2022.133019.
    Intense human pressure and global warming have caused habitat destruction in these areas and increased the number of endangered species. These species are endemic to the Nuratau ridge and are under high human pressure. We found four populations of both species in the Nuratau ridge. For each population we measured plant density and determined population maturity and ontogenetic spectrum. We also described the plant community where each population grew. At all sites population density was low, with most populations being classified as mature with centred ontogenetic structure.
  8. Mamadalieva, Nilufar Z. and Akramov, Davlat Kh and Wessjohann, Ludger A. and Hussain, Hidayat and Long, Chunlin and Tojibaev, Komiljon Sh and Alshammari, Elham and Ashour, Mohamed L. and Wink, Michael, The Genus Lagochilus (Lamiaceae): A Review of Its Diversity, Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology, Plants, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 132, January 2021. doi: 10.3390/plants10010132.
    The genus Lagochilus (Lamiaceae) is native to Central, South-Central, and Eastern Asia. It comprises 44 species, which have been commonly used as herbal medicines for the treatments of various ailments for thousands of years, especially in Asian countries. This review aims to summarize the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of species from the genus Lagochilus to unveil opportunities for future research. In addition, we provide some information about their traditional uses, botany, and diversity. More than 150 secondary metabolites have been reported from Lagochilus, including diterpenes, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, triterpenoids, iridoid glycosides, lignans, steroids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, volatile, non-volatile and aromatic compounds, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and other secondary metabolites. In vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies on the crude extracts, fractions, and isolated compounds from Lagochilus species showed hemostatic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, cytotoxic, enzyme inhibitory, antispasmodic, hypotensive, sedative, psychoactive, and other activities.
  9. Says, Susan Johns, How To Grow Lagochilus Inebrians From Seeds, Salvia Divinorum Blog, December 2009. url:
    Lagochilus Inebrians Growers Guide 1.0 Turkish Mint seems to be one of the most sought after rare Entheogenic herbs. Lagochilus inebrians being in the Labiatae mint family, has strong intoxicating, sedative, and relaxing properties depending on dosage and potency of the strain. The Strong intoxication is said to be cause by the alkaloid lagochiline. Lagochiline …
  10. {Casey}, Growing Bozulbang / Бозулбанг,, January 2023. url:
  11. kizi Mustafoeva, Dilafruz Alisher and Pulatova, Mubarak Pirmatovna and Babayev, Bakhrom Nurillayevich and Islamov, Akmal Khushvakovich and Davlatboevich, Matchanov Alimjon, Culture of Lagoxilus Plant in Laboratory, Academicia, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 737--744, October 2021. doi: 10.5958/2249-7137.2021.02158.3.
    This paper provides information on the effects of Gibberellin A3 (GA3) and Auxin-indolyl-3acetic acid (heteroauxin) stimulants on seed germination and growth for the culture of Lagochilus inebrians and the determination of lagoxilin diterpenoid by a known method in the literature.
  12. {Sultonova K.} and {Kushiev Kh.}, Lagochilus Inebrians Bunge Microclonal Propagation Under in Vitro Conditions, Bulletin of Science and Practice, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 79--85, 2022. doi: 10.33619/2414-2948/82/11.
    The article presents the results of the introduction into culture in vitro and microclonal reproduction of Lagochilus inebrians Bunge growing in the territory of Central Asia. Plants of Lagochilus inebrians grown from seed materials in laboratory conditions were used as research material. To obtain aseptic cultures of Lagochilus inebrians, it is necessary to use multi-stage sterilization protocols using various types of antiseptics. It has been established that the optimal explant for cultivation is the apex of the generative shoot. In the presence of high concentrations of exogenous cytokinins, adventitious shoots are induced.
  13. K, Sultonova and H, Kushiev H., Obtaining Pathogen-Free Seedlings Based on Microclonal Propagation of Lagochilus Inebriance Bunge Using in Vitro Methods, International Journal of Genetic Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 10--15, /26/2022. doi: 10.5923/j.ijge.20221001.03.
    In recent years, possibilities have been achieved based on the widespread use of in vitro methods in the preservation and development of biodiversity. The specificity of the morphogen response to the effects of growth regulators of the studied samples of Lagochilus inebriance in in vitro condition was determined using mineral nutrient media with different composition. The optimal medium was selected for the micropropagation of the studied L.inebriance samples; The addition of 0.1 μM BAP to the nutrient medium according to recipe B5 was noted to be effective; BDS medium containing 5.0 µM BAP and 2.0 µM NAA was used for samples of L. inebriance growing in laboratory conditions, and 0.4 µM BAP, 3.2 µM NAA for samples growing in greenhouse conditions and B5 nutrient medium supplemented with 2.3 μM IAA was noted to be the most effective. In the proliferative phase, the most effective cytokinin was BAP compared to TDZ and Kinetin.
  14. {Matchanov A.D.} and {Sultonova K.} and {Islamov A.Kh.} and {Khodzhaeva N.D.} and {Kushiev Kh.Kh.}, Micropropagation of Lagochilus Inebrians Under In Vitro Conditions, ВЕСТНИК ВЕТЕРИНАРИИ И ЖИВОТНОВОДСТВА, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2021. doi: 10.26739/2181-1008.
    The article contains the results of the introduction into the culture in vitro and the microclonal dispersion of Lagochilus inebrians, which grows in the territory of Central Asia. In the quality of the material of the research, we used plants of Lagochilus inebrians, grown from seed materials in laboratory conditions. To obtain the acetic cultures of Lagochilus inebrians, it is necessary to use multi-stage sterilization protocols with the use of different types of anticeptics. It has been established that the optimal exploration for cultivation is the apex of the generative run. In the presence of high concentrations of exogenous cytokinins, the induction of adventive runs occurs.
  15. Abdullaeva, D.A. and Safarov, K.S., Features of Reproduction Rare and Endangered Species of Lagochilus Proskorjakovii Ikramov in Culture in Vitro, vol. 5, no. 9, 2013.
    The features of micro propagation herb Lagohilus proskorjakovii Ikramov - rare endemic of Nuratau mountain. The conditions for the introduction of rare and endangered plant species L. proskorjakovii sterile in vitro culture: the method of sterilization, type of primary explants, saline environments and hormonal preparations. We investigated a number of culture media for culturing to determine the most optimal to maintain the culture. It is shown that only when the sterilization of seeds L. proskorjakovii in solutions of AgNO3 0.1\% (15 min.) And 70\% ethanol (1 min.) Remained viable in culture conditions. The optimal concentration of auxin in combination with cytokines in the multiplication phase. The conditions for rooting induction in culture in vitro.
  16. Kizi, Sultanova Kumush Ruzimurod and Hadjibabayevich, Kushiev Khabibjon and Esanovich, Kadyrov Bakhtiyor, Root System Formation and Adaptation to Ex Vitro Conditions in Regenerant Lagochilus Inebrians Bunge Samples, E Conference Zone, pp. 43--48, August 2022. url:
    When leaf axillary buds and leaf fragments were used as primary explants during experiments a combination of BAP (5 mg / l) + NAA (0.4 mg / l) in the MS culture medium was found to be the optimal indicator for formation of callus tissue. It was also found that the intensity of callus tissue formation in the combination of BAP (3-4 mg / l) + NAA (0.4 mg / l) in the MS medium was high when using buds and leaf fragments located in the tip of stem .
  17. Islamov, {\relax A.Kh}. and Askarov, I.R. and Tojiboeva, D. Sh, Study of Extraction Conditions of Lagochilus Inebrians Bge. Plant, IJODKOR O‘QITUVCHI JURNALI, pp. 129--134, November 2022.
    The species Lagochilus has long been known for its healing properties, i.e. as a hemostatic agent, and it is one of the most popular, effective hemostatic medicinal plants of the East. Decoctions and tinctures based on the Lagochilus plant have been used in practice to stop various bleedings. The pharmacology of Lagochilus plant species was studied at the pharmacology departments of the Kuban, Samarkand, Andijan medical universities. Of these, aqueous and alcoholic decoctions of Lagochilus inebrians have been identified as having physiologically active properties such as sedative, hypotensive, sedative, anti-shock, anti-radiation and anti-allergic (anti-allergic) in addition to hemostatic properties[1-2]. The Lagochilus inebrians plant grows in the Nurota district of the Navoi region of Uzbekistan and in the village of Navandak, Mirdosh Langar, Akmal Ikromov collective farm of the Khatirchi district, on the banks of the river and in the rocky areas. It is also found in Bukhara and Kashkadarya regions. It was grown in the village of Darmana in the former Frunze state farm of Shymkent province. It grows wild in the villages of Ko'shrabot, Gujumsoy, Bozorjoy, Jush, Samarkand region.
  18. A.Kh .Islamov and Turaev, A. S. and Askarov, I. R. and Mominjonov, M. M. and Tojiboeva, D. Sh, Preparation of Supramolecular Complexes of Monoizopropyliden Lagoxyline with Gk, Gkmat and Gkmkt., MODELS AND METHODS FOR INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, vol. 2, no. 17, pp. 181--185, November 2022. url:
    In this thesis, diterpenoid lagochilin (LG) was isolated from Lagochilus inebrians plant according to the method known in the literature, and its monoizopropylidene (MIPL) derivative was synthesized on the basis of lagochilin.\  It is reported that supramolecular complexes of monoizopropylidene lagoxylin were obtained for the first time with glycyrrhizic acid (GK) and glycyrrhizic acid monoammonium (GKMAT), glycyrrhizic acid monopotassium (GKMKT) salts isolated from the dark extract of the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and their physicochemical properties and spectral properties were studied.\  .
  19. Islomov, Akmal Xushvaqovich and Asqarov, Ibrohimjon Rahmonovich and Turayev, Abbasxan Sabirxanovich and {o'g'li Mo'minjonov}, Mirjalol Muqimjon, Obtaining the Oil Extract of Lagochilus Inebrians Plant and Using it in Folk Medicine, Журнал химии товаров и народной медицины, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 313--325, October 2022. doi: 10.55475/jcgtm/vol1.iss4.2022.99.
    This article describes the properties, chemical composition, methods for obtaining oil extracts of the plant Lagochilus inebrians Bunge, the results of the separation and physico-chemical properties of these vegetable oils by high performance liquid chromatography, as well as their use in traditional medicine.
  20. Tojiboyeva, D. Sh and Kurbanova, Dj and Islomov, A. X., Isolation of Dry Extract and Diterpenoid Lagochilin from Lagochilus Inebrians Plant, Academic research in educational sciences, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 513--520, 2022. url:
    In this article, Lagochilus inebrians Bge - bozubang (lagochilus) plant was studied in 2 different ways: the first method was to obtain dry extract by water extraction and the second method was to extract lagoxilin diterpenoid by extraction with dichloroethane, its physical and chemical properties were studied, and information about hemostatic activity was presented.
  21. Zainutdinov, U. N. and KhaiTboev, {\relax Kh}. and Khafizov, A. R. and Aslanov, {\relax Kh}. A., Method of Isolating Lagochilin from Plants of the Genus Lagochilus, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 129--129, January 1994. doi: 10.1007/BF00638440.
    Lagochilin -- the main component of the total extractive substances of many species of plants of the genus Lagochilus- possesses a hemostatic action [1]. Methods hve been described for obtaining lagochilin from Lagochilus inebrians with a yield of 1\% [2, 3]. Our aim was to develop the best method of isolating lagochilin from raw material. In order to choose a rational extractant permitting the maximum yield of lagochilin, we performed a series of model experiments using organic solvents and aqueous solutions of them: chloroform, dichloroethane, isopropanol, 80\% isopropanol, ethanol, and 70 and 80\% ethanols. Except for chloroform and dichloroethane, these solvents extract a large amount of accompanying substances, and it is therfore difficult to isolate pure lagochilin.
  22. {tlrcll}, Lagochilus and Spider Mites, r/druggardening, December 2020. url:
  23. Akhmedov, Akbar and Rog, Ido and Bachar, Amit and Shomurodov, Habibullo and Nasirov, Muhtor and Klein, Tamir, Higher Risk for Six Endemic and Endangered Lagochilus Species in Central Asia under Drying Climate, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, vol. 48, pp. 125586, February 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2020.125586.
    The high-mountain ecosystems of Central Asia are a biodiversity hotspot with unique plant communities and many endemic species. Intense human pressure and global warming have caused habitat destruction in these areas and a parallel increase in the number of endangered species. Lagochilus species are key medicinal herbaceous plants native to Central Asia, many of which have been recently added to the endangered of species in Uzbekistan. To assess the climate sensitivity of Lagochilus species, we (1) located populations of six species in their native sites across Uzbekistan, and assessed their health by partitioning to ontogenetic stages along five consecutive years; (2) collected plant materials from these species, as well as from old herbarium samples (1918–1964); and (3) analyzed the carbon-13 composition in those samples, as an indicator for drouht stress. Over the course of five years (2014–2018) of continuous monitoring, fluctuations in annual precipitation in the region indicated a decrease by ∼20 \%, and the fraction of young plants in each population decreased from 20–50\% to 0–5 \%, depending on the species. Comparing the carbon-13 composition in current and historical leaf samples showed an increase of 1.5–3.5‰ associated with a decrease in precipitation of 2–30 \%, depending on the site and species. Our results show the high sensitivity of Lagochilus populations’ regeneration to drying, among six species and in sites across Uzbekistan. On a multi-decadal temporal scale, the dramatic changes in carbon-13 indicate that the response to precipitation reduction is related with drought stress. Considering the expectation for drier and hotter climate in Uzbekistan in the coming decades, conservation of Lagochilus populations should become a priority in Central Asia.
  24. Eshibaev, Arystanbek and Aimenova, Zhanar and Akynova, Lyazzat and Nurseitova, Lyazzat and Kopabaeva, Aizhan, The Population Status of Lagochilus Setulosus Vved. and Its Biochemical Composition, Ecological Questions, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 111--118, April 2021. doi: 10.12775/EQ.2021.018.
    This article describes endemic species of the genus Lagochilus growing in the territory of South Kazakhstan – Lagochilus setulosus Vved. Its biochemical composition, namely qualitative and quantitative composition of biologically active compounds was investigated. The established composition of substances indicates that this plant species can be used in pharmaceutical biotechnology to create a biological preparation with a hemostatic effect based on Lagochilus setulosus.
  25. Akhmedov, A.K. and {Cheryomushkina V.A.} and {Shomurodov Kh.F.}, Ontogeny and Ontogenetic Structure of Cenopopulations of Lagochilus Inebrians in Uzbekistan, Вестник Оренбургского государственного университета, no. 6 (206), pp. 63--70, 2017. url:
    A study of the ontogeny of L. inebrians of a semi-shrub life form showed that under the conditions of Uzbekistan, the life expectancy of L. inebrians individuals is at least 25 years. As a rule, the ontogeny of individuals is incomplete; they often do not survive to the post-generative period. In the old generative state, complete particulation of individuals occurs, and a compact clone is formed. Self-maintenance of cenopopulations occurs only by seed. Comparison of the ontogenetic structure of cenopopulations of L. inebrians in different ecological and phytocenotic habitat conditions showed that the spectrum of all cenopopulations is centered with a peak at middle-aged generative individuals. The density ranged from 0.7 to 2.6 individuals per square meter. Assessment of age (ÿ) and efficiency (ÿ) of cenopopulations showed that most cenopopulations are mature. The cenopopulation, located along the sides of the river, the bank of which is annually washed away by spring mudflows, approaches the aging one, the ripening one was found in the eremuros wormwood community, where favorable conditions are created for seed renewal and survival of undergrowth. An assessment of cenopopulations by a complex of organismal (and population traits) showed that the organismal and population optimums do not coincide: individuals are most developed in anthropogenically disturbed habitats, however, population indicators in such cenopopulations are low. The most stable existence of coenotic populations was noted with average values of population and organismal traits.
  26. von Bunge, Alexander, Beitrag zur kenntniss der flor Russlands und der steppen Central-Asiens, 1851. url:
  27. Yuldasheva, N. K. and Ul′chenko, N. T. and Abdukhomidova, F. and Glushenkova, A. I. and Zainutdinov, U. N., Lipids from Seeds of Lagochilus Inebrians, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1154--1156, November 2015. doi: 10.1007/s10600-015-1515-1.
  28. Zainutdinov, {\relax UN} and {D.N. Dalimov} and {A.D. Matchanov} and {A.H. Islamov} and {R.T. Tlegenov} and {N.H. Bozorova} and {F. Sobirova}, Comparative Study of Wild and Cultivated Forms of Lagochilus Inebrians, Химия растительного сырья, no. 2, pp. 189--190, 2011. url:
    Data on a comparative study of the content of the diterpenoid lagochiline in cultivated and wild plants Lagochilus inebrians are presented. The plant Lagochilus inebrians is standardized according to several indicators according to the State Pharmacopoeia (GF). It is shown that the content of lagochilin cultivated in the foothill areas of the Navoi region of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 17–20\% higher than that of wild plants.
  29. Chizhov, O. S. and Kessenikh, A. V. and Yakovlev, I. P. and Zolotarev, B. M. and Petukhov, V. A. and Zelinsky, N. D., Structure of Lagochilin, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 10, no. 17, pp. 1361--1364, January 1969. doi: 10.1016/S0040-4039(01)87886-2.
  30. Vorontsova, L. G. and Chizhov, O. S. and Tarnopol'skii, B. L. and Andrianov, V. I., X-Ray Diffraction Determination of the Structure of Lagochilin, Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of chemical science, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 274--278, February 1975. doi: 10.1007/BF00925769.
    The precise geometrical parameters of the lagochilin molecule and the steric arrangement of the lagochilin and water molecules in its crystal hydrate were established.
  31. {N. S. Zulfanova} and {A. Kh. Islomov} and {A. D. Matchanov} and {A. Matyakubov}, Isolation and LC Spectrum Study of Lagoxiline Diterpenoid from Lagochilus Inebrians Bge Plant, Academic research in educational sciences, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 554--561, 2021. url:
    In this paper, lagoxilin diterpenoid was isolated from a Lagochilus inebrians plant by a known method in the literature. physicochemical properties and spectral properties were studied and information on hemostatic activity was provided
  32. Bobokulov, {\relax Kh}. M. and Levkovich, M. G. and Islamov, A. {\relax Kh}. and Zainutdinov, U. N. and Abdullaev, N. D., Quantitative Determination by PMR Spectroscopy of Lagochilin in the Substance and Tablets of the Medicinal Preparation Inebrin, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 149--152, March 2007. doi: 10.1007/s10600-007-0066-5.
    A modified method of additions in PMR spectroscopy was described for quantitative determination of the main active principle in preparations. The effectiveness and reliability of the method was approved for quantitative analysis of the active principle lagochilin in the substance (2.0\%) and tablets (0.85\%) of the commercial medicinal preparation inebrin.
  33. Saeidnia, S. and Barari, E. and Shakeri, A. and Gohari, A.R., Isolation and Identification of Main Compounds of Lagochilus Cabulicus, Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 25, no. 3, 2013. doi: 10.14233/ajchem.2013.13117.
    The genus, Lagochilus Bge., belongs to Lamiaceae family and consists of 44 species all over the world, 4 species of which are growing exclusively in Iran. Literature show that there is no report around the isolation and spectral elucidation of the main compounds of the Iranian species, Lagochilus cabulicus Benth. The aim of this study is to determine the main compounds of this species for the first time. Column and thin layer chromatographic methods were used for isolation and purification and spectroscopic data (1H NMR and 13C NMR) were employed for identification of the compounds isolated from ethyl acetate and methanol extracts. From the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of L. cabulicus, four flavonoid, tricetin 3´-methyl ether (1), quercetin (2), quercetin 3-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1®6) b-D-glucopyranoside (3), quercetin 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside (4), two steroids, sitosteryl acetate (5), stigmasteryl acetate (6) and one triterpene, lupeol (7), have been identified. The results show that the main compounds of L. cabulicus are biologically and pharmacologically active flavonol glucosides, sterol acetates and pentacyclic triterpene. There has not found any diterpene (lagochilin), as the main compound, in the aerial parts of L. cabulicus.
  34. Islamov, R. and Zainutdinov, U. N. and Aslanov, {\relax Kh}. A., Lagochilin 3-Monoacetate from Lagochilus Inebrians, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 342--343, May 1978. doi: 10.1007/BF00713342.
  35. Muhammadjonova, D. B. and Sobirova, F. A. and Toshmuhammedov, M. S. and Matchanov, A. D., Lagochilus Species and Diterpenes Isolated from Them. ( Chiqarishga Berilgan), Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, vol. 6, pp. 55--63, July 2022. url:
    Lagohilus is a very common and promising medicinal plant. All over the world, extracting substances with high biological activity from the composition of plants and creating new medicines based on them is developing rapidly. Natural compounds isolated from the composition of plants have high biological activity, and their use in medical practice and folk economy occupies a special place. The main active ingredient of the Lagoxilus plant is the diterpenoid lagoxilin, which is a four-atom alcohol. Therefore, most plants belonging to the genus Lagochilus have hemostatic properties.
  36. Akramov, Davlat Kh. and Bacher, Markus and Böhmdorfer, Stefan and Rosenau, Thomas and Zengin, Gokhan and Potthast, Antje and Nahar, Lutfun and Sarker, Satyajit D. and Mamadalieva, Nilufar Z., Phytochemical Analysis and Biological Evaluation of Lagochilus Species from Uzbekistan, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 154, pp. 112715, October 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112715.
    The species of the genus Lagochilus (Lamiaceae) are widespread in Central, South-Central, and Eastern Asia. Some of these species are used for their medicinal and therapeutic effects, in particular as hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and anti-epileptic agents. A new iridoid, glucoside 7- cinnamoyllamalbide, along with known compounds lagochilin, 5-hydroxy-7,4′-dimethoxyflavone, daucosterol, β-sitosterol, 8-acetylharpagide were isolated from L. gypsaceus. The high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) method was used to determine the chemical fingerprints of 7 different Lagochilus species (L. acutilobus, L. gypsaceus, L. inebrians, L. olgae, L. proskorjakovii, L. setulosus, L. vvedenskyi). Among the tested species, lagochilin content was highest in the endemic species L. inebrians collected from the Djizzakh region of Uzbekistan. In free radical scavenging and reducing power assays, L. inebrans and L. vvedenskyi exhibited the strongest abilities. Regarding cholinesterases, amylase and glucosidase inhibition abilities of the tested samples, 5-hydroxy-7,4′-dimethoxyflavone was the most active compound.
  37. Kh. Akramov, Davlat and Zengin, Gokhan and Kang, Sun Chul and Sh. Tojibaev, Komiljon and Mahomoodally, Mohamad Fawzi and Azimova, Shahnoz S. and Mamadalieva, Nilufar Z., Comparative Study on the Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of the Essential Oils of Three Lagochilus Species Collected from Uzbekistan, Natural Product Research, vol. 35, no. 16, pp. 2734--2738, August 2021. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1655417.
    Lagochilus species are mainly distributed in Central Asia and widely used in folk medicine as a sedative and haemostatic. The present investigation reports on the extraction by hydrodistillation and the chemical composition of three Lagochilus species (L. gypsaceus, L. inebrians and L. setulosus) essential oils from Uzbekistan. The chemical composition of these essential oils was determined by GC-MS. The results showed that the studied essential oils are made up mainly of linalool (11.97\%), β-ionone (11.75\%), trans-chrysanthenyl acetate (7.15\%), α-terpineol (7.40\%) for L. gypsaceus; trans-chrysanthenyl acetate (9.40\%), eugenol (7.01\%), trans-verbenol (3.85\%), bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one (3.76\%), pinocarvone (3.43\%) for L. inebrians; and finally 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol (19.78\%), bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-4-ol (5.43\%), hexadecanoic acid (5.39\%), limonene (5.19\%), 2-hexenal (5.03\%) for L. setulosus. The best antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activity was observed for the essential oil of L. inebrians. However, L. setulosus essential oil exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect against amylase.
  38. Zvezdina, Ekaterina V. and Владимировна, Звездина Екатерина and Dayronas, Zhanna V. and Владимировна, Дайронас Жанна and Bochkareva, Inna I. and Ивановна, Бочкарева Инна and Zilfikarov, Ifrat N. and Назимович, Зилфикаров Ифрат and Babaeva, Elena Yu and Юрьевна, Бабаева Елена and Ferubko, Ekaterina V. and Владимировна, Ферубко Екатерина and Guseynova, Ziyarat A. and Агамирзоевна, Гусейнова Зиярат and Serebryanaya, F. K. and Казбековна, Серебряная Фатима and Kaibova, Sabina R. and Равидиновна, Каибова Сабина and Ibragimov, Timur A. and Алгасанович, Ибрагимов Тимур, Members of the Family Lamiaceae Lindl. as Sources of Medicinal Plant Raw Materials to Obtain Neurotropic Drugs, Pharmacy \& Pharmacology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 4--28, December 2020. doi: 10.19163/2307-9266-2020-8-1-4-28.
    The aim of this work is to review and analyze the data published in the modern scientific literature obtained in pharmacological, pharmacognostic and pharmacotechnological studies of various types of raw materials obtained from members of the family Lamiaceae L., which were sources of biologically active substances, pharmaceutical substances, total extracts and the drugs – with a neurotropic activity.Materials and methods. For the review, we used the information of scientific literature from open and accessible sources of the last twenty years, located in the scientific and technical libraries of institutions, as well as in electronic databases: Elibrary, PubMed, Scopus, Cyberleninka, GoogleAcademy, J-Stage. The search inquiries were: the species of the family Lamiaceae (Russian and Latin), the samples of medicinal plant materials based on them as well as the names of the drugs and biologically active substances obtained from these raw materials.Results. When working with the sources of scientific information, the main attention was paid to pharmacologic tests performed during the studies on laboratory animals and proving the presence of neurotropic activity in the studied objects – essential oils and extracts from plant raw materials: aqueous, aqueous alcoholic, and methanol ones. It has been established that the potential of the therapeutic and preventive application of pharmaceutical substances and drugs based on the medicinal plant materials obtained from 30 genera members of the Lamiaceae family, remains unrealized despite the close attention of various researchers.Conclusion. This review comprised 71 species from 30 genera. Despite the significant level of the previous study presented in the analysis of this publication, an enormous potential of this family’s species remains unexplored. In the future, they can be of both – pharmacognostic and practical interest, in particular, in creation of new medicinal preparations of the neurotropic action based on them.
  39. Akramov, D. {\relax Kh}. and Bacher, M. and Zengin, G. and Bohmdorfer, S. and Rosenau, T. and Azimova, {\relax Sh}. S. and Mamadalieva, N. Z., Chemical Composition and Anticholinesterase Activity of Lagochilus Inebrians, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 575--577, May 2019. doi: 10.1007/s10600-019-02748-x.
  40. Gohari, A. and Barari, E. and Saeidnia, S. and Shakeri, A. and Motaghedi, E., Phytochemical Study of Lagochilus Cabulicus Benth, Planta Medica, vol. 77, no. 12, pp. PG83, August 2011. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1282567.
    Thieme E-Books \& E-Journals
  41. Taban, S. and Masoudi, Sh and Chalabian, F. and Delnavaz, B. and Rustaiyan, A., Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oils from Flower and Leaves of Lagochilus Kotschyanus Boiss. A New Species from Iran, Journal of Medicinal Plants, vol. 8, no. 31, pp. 58--63, September 2009. url:
    Background: The genus lagochilus, family Lamiaceae consists of 44 species, 33 of which grow in central Asia. Only one report on the analysis of essential oil of Lagochilus species has been published. Objective: Aim of this study is to determine the chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of the hydrodistilled oil ...
  42. Chizhov, O. S. and Ryabokobylko, {\relax Yu}. S. and Kessenikh, A. V., NMR Spectra of Lagochilin, Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of chemical science, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 1482--1484, July 1979. doi: 10.1007/BF00947325.
    1.An assignment was made of the lines in the13C and1H NMR spectra of the diterpene alcohol lagochilin.2.The spectral parameters were compared with the characteristic structural traits of lagochilin, which can be used to establish the structure, configuration, and conformation of diterpenes of the labdane series.
  43. Eshibaev, А. А. and Aimenova, Zh Е. and Matchanov, А. D. and Islamov, A. H., Results of a comparative study of the macro- and microelement composition of Lagochilus inebrians and Lagochilus setulosus, Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 12--19, 2015. url:
    By method of optical-emissive spectrometry with inductive-connected argonplasma 15 elements in Lagochilus inebrians and 13 elements in Lagochilus setulosus are revealed. In plant Lagochilus inebrians are found out Se and Ag which were are absent at plant Lagochilus setulosus. But the quantitative content of iron, magnesium, lithium, aluminium in 2-3 times is more at plant Lagochilus setulosus. While the content of potassium, calcium, zinc surpasses at plant Lagochilus Inebrians. At both plants from chemical elements calcium is most of all presented, and the plasma hemostasis in combination with Lagochilin and calcium is realized.
  44. {planthelper}, Lagochilus Inebrians Fake versus Real Seeds, The Corroboree, March 2013. url:
  45. Mamedov, Nazim and Gardner, Zoë and Craker, Lyle E., Medicinal Plants Used in Russia and Central Asia for the Treatment of Selected Skin Conditions, Journal of Herbs, Spices \& Medicinal Plants, vol. 11, no. 1-2, pp. 191--222, April 2005. doi: 10.1300/J044v11n01_07.
    Russia and Central Asia are geographically located in the heart of the Eurasian continent. The Russian landscape is generally composed of hardwood and softwood forests, while in the Central Asian countries of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tadjikstan, and parts of Mongolia and China, mountains, steppes, and deserts are the primary landforms. The flora of Russia and Central Asia contains approximately 300 species of plants that have been used in prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutical preparations, while nearly 2500 plants are known to have been used in traditional medicine. This paper reviews the plants used in both traditional and non-prescription pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of allergic rashes, skin irritations, boils, wounds, dermatitis, and pyoderma.
  46. Rahmonov, Oimahmad and Zaurov, David E. and Islamov, Buston S. and Eisenman, Sasha W., Resources along the Silk Road in Central Asia: Lagochilus Inebrians Bunge (Turkestan Mint) and Medicago Sativa L. (Alfalfa): Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, pp. 153--158, 2020.
    When moving large amounts of trade goods over vast distances, travelers on the Silk Road needed to obtain basic requirements like food, shelter, and medicines. During these journeys, travelers would have sustained injuries, and local medicines would have been sought. Traveling could be arduous and required the use of pack animals to carry goods long distances over sometimes rugged and difficult terrain. These animals required adequate forage to sustain them along the journey. Herein, the distribution, folk use, and medicinal and phytochemical properties of two significant Central Asian plant resources are discussed. Turkestan mint (Lagochilus inebrians Bunge) is a widely used medicinal plant that has historically been used for its hemostatic, sedative, and intoxicating properties. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), known as the “queen of forage crops”, grows wild through much of Central Asia and was, and remains to this day, an important source of animal fodder.
  47. Riedlinger, Thomas J., Wasson's Alternative Candidates for Soma, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 149--156, April 1993. doi: 10.1080/02791072.1993.10472245.
    Citing recently published challenges to R. Gordon Wasson's identification of Vedic soma as the psychoactive mushroom Amanita muscaria (fly-agaric), this article reviews unpublished letters by Wasson in which he considered and rejected other psychoactive plants as candidates, including the mint Lagochilus inebrians, Convolvulaceae (morning glory) seeds, the fungal parasite Claviceps purpurea (ergot), and especially the psilocybin mushroom Stropharia cubensis, known also as Psilocybe cubensis, Apart from their historical interest, these letters-from the Tina and Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection at the Harvard Botanical Museum—demonstrate that Wasson remained open to refinements of his theory.
  48. Sezik, Ekrem and Yesilada, Erdem and Shadidoyatov, Hüsnitdin and Kulivey, Zeynullah and Nigmatullaev, Alim M and Aripov, Hamdulla N and Takaishi, Yoshihisa and Takeda, Yoshio and Honda, Gisho, Folk Medicine in Uzbekistan: I. Toshkent, Djizzax, and Samarqand Provinces, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 197--207, June 2004. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2004.02.016.
    Uzbekistan is one of the Turcic republics in Central Asia where a desert continental climate mainly prevailes in territories. Nevertheless, this expedition was carried out in the northeast and east higher lands, where flora is richer. The interviews were performed in seven villages of Toshkent and in neighboring provinces of Samarqand, Djizzax and at Urgut Bazaar of Samarqand. Altogether 177 folk remedies were recorded in the surveyed area. Among these folk remedies, 162 remedies were obtained from 79 different kinds of plant species that belong to 31 different families, whereas, 15 animal originated remedies that belong to 8 different animals are listed, which includes their vernacular and scientific names, indications and recipes for preparations.
  49. Emboden, William A., Narcotic Plants, 1979. url:
  50. {Herbalistics}, Turkestan Mint (Lagochilus Inebrians), Herbalistics, March 2008. url:
    Buy Lagochilus herb, seeds and plants. Online nursery. Cultivation Info. Herbalistics. Australia.
  51. Lagochilis Inebrians | World Seed Supply, World Seed Supply, 2023. url:
    Lagochilis Inebrians is a deciduous shrub growing to three feet. It comes from the sunny, arid mountainous regions of Uzbekistan where it is traditionally made into a sedating tea. It is little known in this part of the world except by a a handful of exotic herb enthusiasts. Cultivation too, is limited to those who […]
  52. Lagochilus Inebriens (Intoxicating Mint) Resin | Lagochilius, Shaman's Garden Exotic Botanicals, 2023. url:
  53. {А. Х. Islomov} and {D. A. Mustafaeva} and {N. S. Zulfanova}, Propagation of Lagochilus Inebrians Bge under Laboratory Conditions, Academic research in educational sciences, vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 1004--1014, 2021. url:
    This paper presents data on the effect of Gibberellin A3 (GA3) and Auxinindolyl-3-acetic acid (heteroauxin) stimulants on seed germination and growth for the culture of Lagochilus inebrians plant.